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    大学英语阅读进阶—— 第四版 参考答案

    PART 1

    Unit 1   Vocabulary in Context

    Practice 1: Examples

    1. examples:brushing their teeth, washing their hands and faces; B

    2. examples:the phones were constantly ringing, people were running back and forth, several offices were being painted: B

    3. examples: the giant land tortoise can live several hundred years; B

    4. examples: going to town concerts and ball games, visiting neighborhood friends, playing board games: A

    5. examples: gardening, long-distance bike riding ; A

    6. examples: picking up the language and customs of their new home; A

    7. examples: a trembling mugging victim, a crying lost child: A

    8. examples: learning, reasoning, thinking, language: B

    9. examples: the TV is talking to them, others can steal their thoughts; C

    10. examples: accepting a bribe from a customer, stealing from an employer; C


    Practice 2: Synonyms

    1-5  embarrasses; examine; practical; confusing; overlook

    6-10 necessary; opponents; arrival; charitable; customary


    Practice 3: Antonyms

    1. Antonym: long; A

    2. Antonym: financial loss; B

    3. Antonym: openly; B

    4. Antonym: plainly; B

    5. Antonym: active; A

    6. Antonym: clear; C

    7. Antonym: benefit; B

    8. Antonym: increase in value; B

    9. Antonym: careless; C

    10. Antonym: weak; C

    Practice 4: General Sense

    1-5 B; C; A; B; C;          6-10   A; C; B; C; B

    Review Test 1

    1-5 context;  A; C; B; definition…examples

    Review Test 2

    1-5  B; A; B ; C; A; 6 D overjoyed;  7 A. provided;  8 C discouraged;  9 E. nag;  10 B. doubtful;

    Review Test 3

    1-5  practical; clean; reveal; relieve; at the same time

    6-10  looked down upon; guilty; tried; add to; joined;

    Review Test 4

    1-5  B; D; D; B; A;          6-10 A; C; D; D; C;

    Mastery Test 1


    1-3   D; B; C;


    4-6 risk; search; false name;


    7-8  C; B;


    9-10 A; B;

    Mastery Test 2


    1-2 B; A;


    3-5  plain; conduct; modest


    6-7  C; C;


    8-10 D; D; B:

    Mastery Test 3

    1-5  A; C; C; C ; B;

    6-10 D; D; C; A; B;

    Mastery Test 4

    1-5  C; C; A; B; D;

    6-10  C; A; D; B; C

    Mastery Test 5

    A: 1-5  C; D; C; A; C;

    B: (wording of answers may vary.)

    6 cut off;          7. give a false account of; misrepresent; twist;

    8. come tetween; get involved;   9. required

    10 became more forgiving; gave in

    Mastery Test 6


    1. E most common; 2. C stir up interest; 3. F uncontrolled; 4. I increased ; 5. B passed


    6. I die ;  7. D deadly ; 8. F be forced to experience; 9. E give credit for;  10.J reducing



    2. Main ideas


    Practice 1

    1. home cooking: S

    take-out: S

    ways to eat dinner: G

    frozen foods: S

    2. hot and humid: S

    cold and rainy: S

    cloudy with scattered showers: S

    weather forecasts: G

    3. oversleeping: S

    bad habits: G

    overeating: S

    smoking: S

    4. traffic delays: S

    head cold: S

    bad coffee: S

    minor problems: G

    5. communicating: G

    writing: S

    reading: S

    speaking: S

    6. deadbolt locks: S

    alarm system: S

    barking dog: S

    kinds of security: G

    7. divorce: S

    failing grades: S

    major problems: G

    eviction: S

    8. not taking notes in class: S

    poor study habits: G

    missing classes: S

    cramming for exams: S

    9. surprised: S

    tone of voice: G

    enthusiastic: S

    humorous: S

    10. hurry up: S

    get to bed: S

    commands: G

    clean up this mess: S


    Practice 2

    Answers will vary.


    Practice 3

    1. P S S S

    2. S S P S

    3. S S S P

    4. P S S S

    5. S P S S


    Practice 4

    1. S S P S

    2. P S S S

    3. S P S S

    4. S P S S

    5. S S S P


    Practice 5

    1. S S P S

    2. S P S S

    3. P S S S

    4. S S S P

    5. P S S S


    Practice 6

    Group 1

    A. SD   B. SD   C. MI   D. T

    Group 2

    A.  MI  B. SD  C. SD  D. T

    Group 3

    A. T   B. SD  C. SD  D. MI

    Group 4

    A. MI  B. SD  C. SD  D. T

    Group 5

    A.  MI  B. SD  C. T   D. SD


    Practice 7 (wording of topics may vary)

    1. Topic: Stories

    Main idea: Sentence 1

    2. Topic: ESP

    Main idea: Sentence 2

    3. Topic: Hospices vs hospitals

    Main idea: Sentence 2

    4. Topic: Driving or Poor attitude about driving

    Main idea: Sentence 10

    5. Topic: Environment and behavior

    Main idea: Sentence 1


    Practice 8

    1.1    2. 4   3. 2   4. 5   5. 1


    Review Test 1

    1. B   2. B   3. A   4. A   5. other sentences in the paragraph


    Review Test 2

    A. 1. a. S    b. S     c. S    d. P

    2. a. S    b. S     c. P    d. S

    B. 1. a. SD   b. SD   c. T    d. MI

    2. a. SD   b. SD    c. T   d. MI


    Review Test 3

    1. 3   2. 1   3. 9   4. 2   5. 2


    Review Test 4

    1. D   2. C   3. A   4. A   5. C   6. C   7. A   8. D   9. A   10. A


    Mastery Test 1

    A. 1. a. S   b. P   c. S    d. S

    2. a. P   b. S   c. S    d. S

    3. a. S   b. S   c. S    d. P

    B. 1. a. SD   b. T   c. SD   d. MI

    2. a. MI   b. SD   c. T d. SD


    Mastery Test 2

    A. 1. a. S   b. P   c. S   d. S

    2. a. S   b. S   c. P   d. S

    3. a. P   b. S   c. S   d. S

    B. 1. a. SD   b. SD   c. T   d. MI

    2. a. MI   b. T   c.SD   d. SD


    Mastery Test 3

    1. 1   2. 2   3. 6   4. 1   5. 2


    Mastery Test 4

    1. 3   2. 2   3. 1   4. 7   5. 2


    Mastery Test 5

    1. 6   2. 4   3. 2   4. 1   5. 2


    Mastery Test 6

    1. 2.    2. 1   3. 2   4. 3   5. 11

    Unit 3 Supporting Details

    Practice 1. (wording of answers may vary)

    1. Main idea: Parents can take several steps to discourage TV watching and encourage reading.

    1. Have only one TV set, and place it in the family room.

    2. Connect reading with eating.

    3. Don’t put a TV set in a child’s bedroom.

    2. Main Idea: Colleges of the early nineteenth century were distinctly different from today’s schools.

    1. students were mostly white males.

    Minor details: College was considered a final polishing for upper-class gentlemen.

    2. All students had to take the same courses.

    Minor details: They studied ancient languages, literature, natural science, mathematics, and political and moral philosophy.

    3. Colleges were small.

    Minor details: Most had only a few dozen students, three or four professors, and three or four tutors.

    4. Student life was more regulated.

    Minor details: Strict curfews determined when students had to turn off lights, and attendance at religious services was required.


    Practice 2 ( Wording of answers may vary )

    1. Introduce yourself

    Refer to physical setting

    Ask a complimentary question

    Seek direct information

    2. Major detail: Smaller labor force

    Minor detail: Milking machines use only one operator.

    Major detail; Higher milk output

    Minor detail: American cows give 7.5 times more milk than Brazilian cows.

    Practice 3

    1. C

    2. B

    Practice 4 ( Examples may vary )

    1. Passive listening—trying to make sense out of a speaker’s remarks without being able to interact with the speaker.

    Ex—Students listen to an instructor’s lecture without having the chance to ask questions.

    2. Self-serving bias—the practice of judging ourselves leniently.

    Ex—When he lashes out angrily, we say he’s moody. When we lash out angrily, we say we’re under pressure.

    Review Test 1

    1. specific…specific          2. T            3. supporting details

    4. mapping                  5. condense

    Review Test 2

    A. Main idea: Several factors influence the justice system’s treatment of criminals.

    1. Sex of offender affects severity of sentence.

    b. Court more reluctant to send mother to prison than father

    2. Race is another factor

    a. Nonwhites awarded parole and probation less often .

    b. Blacks executed more often for capital crimes.

    3. a. Young offenders given special treatment.

    B. 8. C   9. C   10. B

    Review Test 3

    A. Main idea: Serious depression has definite warning signs.

    1. Change in sleep patterns

    2. Abnormal eating patterns

    3. Trouble in thinking or concentrating

    4. General feeling of hopelessness

    B. Main idea: There are three common ways that people deal with their feelings.

    1) withhold them

    2) Display them

    3) Describe them

    C. 10. C


    Review Test 4

    1-5 : B; A; D; A; long interviews


    A. 1. Basic temperament the child is born with.

    2. Early emotional environment

    B. 1. Authoritative   2. Authoritarian    3. Permissive


    Mastery Test 1

    A. Main idea: Divorce has serous negative consequences.

    1. a. Starting to date again can be nerve-racking.

    2. Emotional difficulties among original family members are common.

    a. Husband and wife feel guilt and resentment.

    3. Financial adjustments are necessary.

    a. Alimony, child support, and property disposal must be dealt with.

    B.  7. B     8. A     9. C

    10. They can undo complicated bolts on gates.

    Mastery Test 2

    A. 1.B;  2. D; 3. C; 4. D; 5. C;  6.B;

    B. Main idea: Chimpanzees use objects in their environment as tools.

    1. Sticks to catch termites and steal honey.

    2. Leaves as drinking cups, for cleaning, and as spongers

    3. Stones to crack open nuts.

    Mastery Test 3.

    A. 1-6  A; B; A; D; B; A

    B. Main idea: Three types of human memory allow us to remove or keep information as needed.

    1. Sensory memory

    2. short-term memory—stores about 7 items for about 30 seconds.

    3. Long-term memory—stores enormous numbers of items for a long period.


    Mastery Test 4

    A . Main idea: Researchers have created a number of theories to explain the functions of sleep.

    1. Gives body time to repair brain cells and create chemical that makes brain think.

    2. Enables body to save energy

    3. Keeps people out of trouble.

    4. Reduces memory

    B.  6. C

    C.  7-10  A; B; B; D;

    Mastery Test 5

    A. 1-5  B; D; A; B; C;

    B. Main idea: Experts in our country have suggested various purposes of imprisonment.

    1) Punishnent

    2) Rehabilitation

    3) Deter crime

    4) Keep criminals off streets

    Mastery Test 6

    A.  1.  a. 2) Informal and friendly atmosphere in the Senate

    b. Procedural differences

    1)House rules—many and complex

    2)Senate rules—short and simple

    2. Political outlook of members

    a. Representatives concerned with local issues

    B. Main idea: A number of conditions stimulate aggression.

    1) Pain

    2) Attacks

    3) Crowding


    4. Implied Main idea/Central Point


    Practice 1

    Paragraph 1: 1 D  2A     Paragraph 2: 3C  4B   Paragraph 3: 5C  6B

    Paragraph 4: 7D  8B


    Practice 2

    1D  2B  3C  4C

    Practice 3 (Wording of answers may vary.)

    1. Topic: Reasons for lying

    Implied main idea: People tell lies for several reasons.

    2. Topic: Being an only child

    Implied main idea: Being an only child has its drawbacks.

    3. Topic: Opposition to capital punishment

    Implied main idea: People have opposed the death penalty for different reasons.

    4. Topic: Growing older

    Implied main idea: Growing older can make us better in many ways.

    Practice 4

    Central point: In fact, the days of a housewife in nineteenth-centuryAmericawere spent in harsh physical labor. (Sentence 2)

    Practice 5

    Central point: However, excessive use of alcohol contributes to a number of negative social consequences. (Sentence 2)

    Review Test 1

    1. implied   2. topic   3. support   4. central point   5. sometimes

    Review Test 2

    A. 1B  2A

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